
A Message from our CEO

The Chairman, President, and CEO of Trustco Bank Corp NY and its subsidiary, Trustco Bank, Robert J. McCormick, explained



At Trustco Bank, we actively encourage and support the growth of our employees throughout their educational and career development.



At Trustco Bank we understand the importance of limiting our carbon footprint while delivering the best value to our shareholders.


Why You Should Open A Health Savings Account

Do you wish you had better control over how you spend your health-care dollars? If so, you may be interested in an alternative to traditional health insurance called a health savings account (HSA).


Gift Tax

Estimating Gift Tax Liability If you make any gifts [...]


Estate Tax

Any U.S. citizen who leaves an estate (plus adjusted taxable gifts) in excess of the estate and gift tax basic exclusion amount


Charitable Giving

There are many ways to give to charity. You can make gifts during your lifetime or at your death. You can make gifts outright or use a trust.


A Business Plan Can Be Your Guide to Growth

Whether you're a current business owner or a budding entrepreneur burning with the next great idea, one of the most important steps you can take on your road to success is creating a business plan.


Saving for College

Even though college costs are high, don't worry about saving 100% of the total.


Financial Aid for College

Financial aid is money distributed primarily by the federal government and colleges in the form of loans, grants, scholarships


401(k) Plans

Qualified cash or deferred arrangements (CODAs) permitted under Section [...]


Balancing Work and Family

Balancing work and family is a highly personal endeavor, and there is no magic formula. It takes planning and resolve.


529 Savings Plans

A 529 college savings plan is a type of qualified tuition program (the other type is a prepaid tuition plan) established under Section 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.